Faculty of Education

the definition:

It is one of the colleges of the University of Aleppo in the liberated areas, which was launched in 2016 in the city of Darat Azza in the countryside of Aleppo at the hands of a qualified academic cadre, who boycotted the brutal regime and stood by its sons to extend a helping hand to them, and be the guide and support.
The College of Education received students who were prevented by political events from pursuing their academic achievement, and urged young people to study and lit a torch of hope for them.
The college started with a section most needed by the community, which is the class teacher, graduating about a hundred teachers, and some students graduated with different specializations in the exceptional courses of the last stages, and in 2019 a department was opened: / psychological counseling / to meet the need, and that met with great demand. As the number of accepted students this year exceeded two hundred students.
The college was also keen on securing a scientific research environment through the various master’s programs it carried out, some of the theses that it supervised, and then the opening of the graduate studies departments “MA and PhD” in it.


هي إحدى كليات جامعة حلب في المناطق المحررة التي انطلقت عام 2016 في مدينة دارة عزة بريف حلب على أيدي كادرٍ أكاديميٍّ مؤهَّلٍ، قاطع النظام الغاشم ووقف بجانب أبنائه ليمدَّ لهم يد العون، ويكون الهادي والسند.
استقبلت كلية التربية الطلابَ الذين حرمتهم الأحداث السياسية من متابعة تحصيلهم الأكاديمي، وحثت الشباب على الدراسة وأضاءت لهم شعلة الأمل.
بدأت الكلية بقسمٍ أشد ما يحتاجه المجتمع، وهو قسم /معلم الصف/، وخرجَّت حوالي مئة معلم ومعلمة ، كما خرجت بعض الطلاب باختصاصات مختلفة في الدروات الاستثنائية للمراحل الأخيرة، وفي عام 2019 تم افتتاح قسم: /الإرشاد النفسي/ لتلبية الاحتياج، ولاقى ذلك إقبالاً باهراً، حيث تجاوز عدد المقبولين هذا العام مئتي طالب وطالبة.
كما حرصت الكلية على تأمين بيئة بحث علميٍّ من خلال برامج الماجستير المتنوعة التي قامت بها, وبعض الرسائل التي أشرفت عليها، ثم افتتاح قسمي الدراسات العليا “ماجستير ودكتوراه” فيها.

The college seeks to prepare teachers by training and qualifying them, and providing them with information and skills to be competent teachers capable of performing their role in education and educating the children of society, in addition to preparing and qualifying the necessary human cadres to carry out research, studies and educational consultations to analyze the problems and obstacles facing education programs and their institutions, And contribute to its solution.

The College of Education in the liberated areas is an educational institution that aims to develop and advance university education, and to prepare and qualify educational and educational cadres to contribute to the advancement of society, within the framework of the demands of the age and its local and national variables.
