Objectives, vision and mission, for the College of Pharmacy:
1. Preparing pharmacists and qualifying them in all pharmaceutical specializations and professions, and providing the necessary frameworks to cover the needs of development plans in the Syrian Arab Republic, to serve the community through pharmacy production and pharmacy services.
2. Promoting postgraduate studies and scientific research that contribute to the development of pharmaceutical sciences, and cooperating with various health and pharmaceutical institutions, to find solutions to the various issues facing pharmaceutical development in the Syrian Arab Republic, in a manner that ensures the achievement of the slogan of linking the university to society.
الأهداف والرؤية والرسالة، لكلية الصيدلة :
1. إعداد الصيادلة وتأهيلهم في الاختصاصات والمهن الصيدلية كافة ، وتوفير الأطر اللازمة لتغطية احتياجات خطط التنمية في الجمهورية العربية السورية ، لخدمة المجتمع من خلال صيدلة الإنتاج وصيدلة الخدمات.
2. النهوض بالدراسات العليا والبحوث العلمية التي تسهم في تطور العلوم الصيدلية، والتعاون مع مختلف المؤسسات الصحية والدوائية، لإيجاد الحلول لمختلف القضايا التي تواجه التطور الصيدلي في الجمهورية العربية السورية ، بما يضمن تحقيق شعار ربط الجامعة بالمجتمع.
2. Development of research methods, education and teaching principles, development and provision of academic and reference works, and the creation of laboratories necessary for scientific research.
3. Encouraging various student activities, and working on raising the student’s scientific personality, and directing him towards the optimal choice for the effectiveness he practices, consistent with the objectives of community service.
4. Achieving scientific cooperation between the college and the various pharmaceutical institutions in the Syrian Arab Republic, and Arab and foreign colleges of pharmacy, with the aim of developing scientific research and higher studies, Arabizing pharmacy education in the Arab world, and unifying the curricula of Arab colleges of pharmacy.