See the institute
The institute aspires to develop the creative and entrepreneurial intellectual capital in the administrative sciences.
The Institute's mission
With scientific cadres qualified in the specializations of administrative and financial sciences, in line with the requirements of the labor market, expanding the scope of spreading administrative knowledge in various economic sectors, and contributing to community service by adopting the principle of social responsibility for human development, acquiring social, national and human values and devoting business ethics.
The institute is considered one of the most vital educational facilities, as it is linked to all areas of life and all economic sectors Most of the commodity and service establishments require qualified workers in the administrative, financial, economic and legal fields, such as laboratories, stores, hospitals, banks, ministries and government departments, insurance companies, financial markets, airlines, international organizations, consulting offices, research centers … etc.
رؤية المعهد
يتطلع المعهد إلى تنمية رأس المال الفكري المبدع والمبادر في العلوم الإدارية .
رسالة المعهد
بكوادر علمية مؤهلة باختصاصات العلوم الإدارية والمالية، وذلك بما يتناسب مع متطلبات سوق العمل وتوسيع نطاق نشر المعرفة الإدارية في القطاعات الاقتصادية المختلفة، والإسهام في خدمة المجتمع من خلال تبني مبدأ المسؤولية الاجتماعية للتنمية البشرية واكتساب القيم الاجتماعية والوطنية والإنسانية وتكريس أخلاقيات الأعمال.
يعتبر المعهد من أكثر المنشآت التعليمية حيوية، لارتباطه بجميع مجالات الحياة وفي كل القطاعات الاقتصادية؛ فمعظم المنشآت السلعية والخدمية تطلب عاملين مؤهلين في المجالات الإدارية والمالية والاقتصادية والقانونية ومن أمثلتها المعامل والمتاجر والمستشفيات والمصارف والوزارات والدوائر الحكومية، وشركات التأمين، والأسواق المالية، وشركات الطيران، والمنظمات الدولية، والمكاتب الاستشارية، والمراكز البحثية.. إلخ.
Institute goals:
The institute aims to develop human resources and qualify students and holders of various specializations in the fields of administrative and financial sciences at various levels and in all governmental and private sectors.
The institute works to achieve its goals through:
- A) The preparation of specialists in administration from among the students in a scientific and practical high-level preparation that qualifies them in all fields of administrative and financial sciences in order to achieve the improvement of the level of management and production efficiency of institutions and companies in the various public and private sectors, through specialized study at higher university levels.
- B) Qualifying graduates from various specializations in the field of administrative and financial sciences through the Master of Qualification and Specialization in Business Administration and Financial Control, which aims to expand the spread of administrative knowledge and consolidate the foundations and principles of modern scientific management in the various productive and service sectors.
- C) Organizing specialized medium and short-term training courses for individuals and workers in various sectors, enhancing continuous training, raising the level of frameworks, and helping to develop their administrative and productive efficiency.
- D) Providing advisory services and preparing administrative, organizational, economic, financial and analytical studies that would raise the level of administrative performance and develop working methods in institutions, establishments and companies at the level of public and private sectors.
- E) Organizing periodic seminars, conferences and workshops in the various fields of management sciences and their applications, and participating in attending conferences, seminars and workshops in various regions.
- F) Preparing in-depth and applied scientific studies and research in the fields of administrative and financial sciences, contributing to the preparation and implementation of administrative development and reform projects, issuing scientific periodicals and journals in the field of specialization, and spreading administrative awareness in order to achieve the goals of administrative, economic and social development in Syria.
- G) Establishing scientific, educational and cultural relations and contributing to their development with universities, institutions, institutes and organizations related to the specialty, exchanging various experiences and cooperating with them in a way that serves the various fields of the institute’s activities.
- H) Creating professional, productive, service and social work units that serve the scientific and educational purposes of the Institute and contribute to the preparation of technical and professional cadres capable of participating in the development of the activities of production and service institutions.
- P) Achieving optimal and reciprocal interaction and consolidating ties between the institute and the commercial and industrial sectors with their various production and service institutions, with the aim of exchanging expertise and administrative knowledge, in a way that serves to link education and rehabilitation with the requirements and needs of the market and the national economy.
Admission system at the Higher Institute for Financial Management and Control
The Higher Institute for Financial Management and Control announces during the second half of each year the start of receiving applications for those wishing to register in the institute who hold a university degree in each of the following specializations:
(Economics in all its branches – Law – Political Science – Education – Arts – Sharia – Engineering in all its branches – Medical Colleges)
The admission contest is held in two stages:
A – The stage of written examinations.
B – the stage of the oral and personal interview.
– Those admitted are subject to a period of preparation, qualification and training for a period of (24) months, which includes theoretical academic study and training in a public or private entity.
– Attendance at the institute is mandatory and the student must achieve a attendance rate of not less than 60%
Graduates are granted specialized master’s degrees in Business Administration with the following specializations:
General Administration – Accounting and Financial Control – Auditing – Financial Adviser – Small and Medium Enterprises Management – Human Resources Department.
Annual fees of $ 350 plus $ 100 to discuss the graduation project.