Faculty of Mechatronics Engineering

About the College:

Mechatronics is not a single area of ​​specialization, rather it is the blending of technology and techniques together; To take the most important role in the industry development process.

Therefore, mechatronics engineering is known as that specialization that is based on the relentless and continuous integration of mechanics, electronics, control and computer systems, so that the merging process for these fields takes its horizontal and vertical shape during all stages of education, and this is evident in the design and manufacturing stages.

Mechatronic systems typically consist of traditional mechanical and electrical components, but are referred to as smart devices and systems because they contain automated sensors, motors and control devices.

Mechatronics is used to demonstrate an integrated methodology for designing products with rapid and accurate performance.

Mechatronics is an applied engineering field linked to industrial activities, so the educational process for this specialization should be linked to local industries.

Based on the study of the actual industrial reality in Aleppo, being the largest industrial city in Syria – this department has been opened at the University of Aleppo in the College of Engineering since 2007/2008 according to the Higher Education Council Resolution No. 271.

نبذة عن الكلية:

إن الميكاترونكس ليست مجالاً واحداً من التخصص, وإنما هي مزج التكنولوجيا والتقنيات معاً؛ لتأخذ الدور الأكثر أهمية في عملية تطوير الصناعة.

 ولذلك تعرف هندسة الميكاترونكس بأنها ذلك التخصص الذي يقوم على الدمج الدؤوب والمتواصل للميكانيكا والإلكترونيات، وأنظمة التحكم والحاسوب بحيث تأخذ عملية الدمج لهذه المجالات شكلها الأفقي والعمودي خلال مراحل التعليم كافة، ويظهر ذلك جلياً في مراحل التصميم والتصنيع.

الأنظمة الميكاترونيكية تتألف بشكل نموذجي من مكونات ميكانيكية وكهربائية تقليدية، لكن يشار إليها بأنها أجهزة ونظم ذكية لاحتوائها على الحساسات والمحركات وأجهزة التحكم المؤتمتة.

الميكاترونيك يستخدم ليدل على المنهجية المتكاملة لتصميم المنتجات ذات الأداء السريع الدقيق.

يعد اختصاص الميكاترونيكس مجالاً هندسياً تطبيقياً مرتبطاً بالفعاليات الصناعية، لذا فالعملية التعليمية لهذا الاختصاص ينبغي أن ترتبط بالصناعات المحلية.

بناء على دراسة الواقع الصناعي الفعلي في مدينة حلب كونها أكبر المدن الصناعية في سورياـ فقد تم افتتاح هذا القسم في جامعة حلب  في كلية الهندسة منذ عام 2007/ 2008 بموجب قرار مجلس التعليم العالي رقم 271.

* The mechanical aspect that includes static, material resistance and design.

* The electrical aspect, which includes the study of the foundations of electrical engineering and electrical feeding of machines.

* The electronic aspect, which includes the study of electronic engineering foundations, the study of electronic controls, industrial automation and communication signals and their processing.

* The computer aspect that includes studying two programming languages in addition to dealing with mechanical design mediated by engineering computer programs, and dealing with various control programs.

The vision of the college has been consistent since its inception in achieving the university’s mission and goals by preparing graduates with high and distinguished competencies in line with the accelerated requirements of the Syrian society in the field of integrated industry, after providing them with theoretical and practical knowledge by distinguished academics with high efficiency and the latest scientific and practical means and preparing qualified human cadres To develop the mechanical, electrical and electronic industry.

Specialization work objectives and fields:

Specialization work objectives and fields:

We also seek to provide students with the information and skills that enable them to work in one of the following areas:

1. Mechanical engineering.

2. Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

3. Computer engineering.

4. And management of industrial projects.

Degrees and length of study:

The period of study for a Bachelor’s degree is five academic years, with a semester system.

The University of Aleppo grants, upon the proposal of the College of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, a Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering.

The study plan during the vacation stage:

College aspirations: