See the institute
The institute is looking forward to establishing a media production center to train students to work in all fields of print, audio and visual media, and to present a broadcast media message to the local community, in which all students of Aleppo University in the liberated areas participate. And it looks forward to holding continuous seminars and conferences to keep pace with the latest developments in the world of media and its prospects at all levels, and the institute seeks to provide a scientific and academic climate for its affiliates, students and academics, equipped with the necessary experiences and competencies, to contribute to building their society consciously and insight on the path of sustainable and comprehensive development and providing service to the community at the internal and external levels. .
The institute also seeks, through its available educational programs, to develop the student’s personality from mental, psychological and social aspects, by facilitating access to knowledge, promoting positive trends represented in self-realization, and interacting with the other through constructive dialogue and a sense of belonging to the community, in addition to providing distinguished education. In the field of media, and preparing internal competencies capable of contributing to programs for the advancement of the nation and raising its scientific level.
رؤية المعهد
يتطلع المعهد إلى إنشاء مركز للإنتاج الإعلامي لتدريب الطلاب على العمل في كل مجالات الإعلام المقروء والمسموع والمرئي، وتقديم رسالة إعلامية إذاعية للمجتمع المحلي، يشارك فيها جميع طلاب جامعة حلب في المناطق المحررة. ويتطلع إلى إقامة ندوات ومؤتمرات مستمرة لمواكبة آخر مستجدات عالم الإعلام وآفاقه على المستويات كافة ويسعى المعهد إلى توفير المناخ العلمي والأكاديمي لمنتسبيه من طلبة وأكاديميين مزودين بالخبرات والكفاءات اللازمة، ليسهموا في بناء مجتمعهم عن وعي وبصيرة على طريق التنمية المستدامة والشاملة وتقديم الخدمة للمجتمع على الصعيدين الداخلي والخارجي.
كما يسعى المعهد من خلال برامجه التعليمية المتاحة إلى تنمية شخصية الطالب من النواحي العقلية والنفسية والاجتماعية، وذلك بتيسير سبل الوصول إلى المعرفة، وتعزيز الاتجاهات الإيجابية المتمثلة في تحقيق الذات، والتفاعل مع الآخر عن الطريق الحوار البناء، والشعور بالانتماء للمجتمع، إضافة إلى تقديم تعليم متميز في مجال الإعلام، وإعداد كفاءات داخلية قادرة على الإسهام في برامج النهوض بالأمة ورفع مستواها العلمي.
The Institute's mission
- Preparing an academic media generation capable of monitoring local and international events.
- Educating society about the importance of media in the modern era and its role in defending the nation’s issues.
- Achieving leadership and excellence at the local and regional level in the fields of media studies.
- Opening constructive communication channels with higher education institutions in order to keep pace with the development in the field of the new media technology revolution.
Institute goals:
Article (1) The Technical Institute for Media at the University of Aleppo aims in the liberated areas to achieve the following objectives:
- a. Absorb the increasing percentage of high school graduates in Syria in a way that ensures building a citizen who is distinguished by high professionalism in the field of media and who is able to serve his country.
- B. Serving and developing the local community by focusing on and encouraging scientific research.
- T. Paying attention to the quality of media education in order to provide scientific competencies and qualified cadres to serve the needs of society and its various development sectors.
- D. Educating students, training and preparing them according to contemporary technical and national professional bases and according to the latest teaching methods to secure distinguished outputs capable of competing in the contemporary media job market.
- C. Providing national and Arab media institutions with media cadres and competencies.
- H. Contributing to the advancement of human thought and building a knowledge society by providing students with information, producing, developing and employing it in the service of sustainable development nationally, regionally and internationally.
- Kh. Developing the scientific method, intellectual independence, and personal initiative, and raising a sense of belonging, responsibility and teamwork.
- Dr. Organizing various practical programs, courses, workshops and conferences to contribute to the integration, development and development of society's energies in the media field.
- I. Training and qualifying cadres working in media institutions, and working to raise their knowledge, cultural and technical level.
- R. Strengthening links with media colleges and Arab and international scientific bodies and raising the level of cultural cooperation with countries of the world on the basis of freedom, awareness, autonomy and mutual respect.
Academic degrees and study periods
Article (2) The University of Aleppo grants in the liberated areas the certificate of the Technical Institute for Media.
Article (3) The duration of the study is two years.
Article (4) The College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Aleppo supervises in the liberated areas the teaching of the Arabic language and foreign language courses.
Examinations at the undergraduate level
Article (5) The maximum score for each course is set at 100 marks.
Undergraduate study plan
Article (6) determines the study plan at the Technical Institute for Media at the University of Aleppo in the liberated areas, and the courses are distributed among the years and semesters of study, and the number of weekly hours for each of the courses is determined according to the following schedules: