the message
The College of Science seeks, through its goals, to achieve its mission, which is reflected in the consolidation of faith among the younger generations that basic sciences are the basic foundation for the development of various other sciences, and that scientific research in the specializations of basic sciences is the only way for the scientific, cultural, social and economic advancement of the Arab community.
تسعى كليّة العلوم من خلال أهدافها إلى تحقيق رسالتها الّتي تتجلّى في ترسيخ الإيمان لدى الأجيال الصّاعدة بأنّ العلوم الأساسيّة هي القاعدة الأساسيّة من أجل تطوير مختلف العلوم الأخرى، وأنّ البحث العلميّ في اختصاصات العلوم الأساسيّة هو السّبيل الوحيد للنّهوض العلميّ والثّقافيّ والاجتماعيّ والاقتصاديّ بالمجتمع العربيّ.
Article (1) The Technical Institute for Media at the University of Aleppo aims in the liberated areas to achieve the following objectives:
- 1- Preparing specialists in various fields of mathematical, physical, chemical and biological sciences by qualifying students and providing them with a high level of knowledge in their field of specialization, in line with the progress of science, technology and global civilization.
- 2- Promoting and participating in scientific research and various studies, which contributes to scientific and technical progress in the various fields of basic sciences, with the aim of preparing scientific researchers and finding solutions to the various issues facing scientific, economic and social development.
- 3- Contributing to scientifically preparing preparatory and secondary school teachers in the various branches of basic sciences well in order to raise the level of education in them.
- 4- Developing research methods and teaching methods, including university educational literature and their translations, and pushing forward the process of Arabization of higher education in its various existing institutions.
- 5- Contributing to rehabilitation, training and continuing education courses in the areas of the college’s specialization.
- 6- The development of the student’s personality is a balanced development scientifically, politically and socially, and developing his awareness and love for work.
- 7- Directing students towards the optimal choice of the activities that they will practice and providing them with the opportunity to participate in local, Arab and international training courses.
- 8- Encouraging cultural, scientific, social and other activities.
- 9- Documenting the cultural and scientific ties with Arab colleges and scientific bodies in particular and foreign in general, and working to establish specialized scientific conferences, and to contribute and participate in the various scientific conferences and seminars and scientific research seminars that are held locally, Arably and internationally, in the field of basic sciences with various specializations.
- 10- Achieving the highest level of interaction between the college and its various departments, and the institutions and organizations in the community whose tasks and goals complement the college's tasks and goals.
Academic degrees and study periods
1 – Mathematics Department, which includes:
A- General Mathematics Division.
2 – Department of Chemistry, which includes:
A – branch of applied chemistry.
Fourth - Academic degrees and study duration
The university grants, based on a proposal from the College of Science Board, the following scientific degrees:
A – Leaves:
Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics
Bachelor’s degree in applied chemistry.
It is mentioned in the leave and a transcript of the name of the branch from which the student graduated
B – Masters in the specializations specified by the college’s postgraduate studies system.
C – Ph.D. in the specializations specified by the college’s graduate studies system
Duration of studies in the College of Science:
A – The study period for obtaining a leave is four academic years.
B – The study period for obtaining a master’s degree is determined in the college’s graduate studies system.
C- The duration of Ph.D. studies is determined in the college’s graduate studies system.