Medical Technical Institute

General idea:

The Technical Medical Institute is a technical institute in northern Syria, in which high school students who have dropped out of their studies due to the current conditions study. It has four departments: anesthesia, nursing, laboratories, and midwifery.

As for the departments of ((anesthesiology, nursing and laboratories)), the study period is two years, divided into four semesters, and for the female midwifery department only, the study period is three years. In addition, a division of studies was opened that includes the two specialists (a diploma in child care and a specialization diploma for intensive care for adults), and the number of its students in the four divisions is / 300 / students from different regions (North Syria, Eastern Ghouta, and Homs), after the forced displacement. In addition to / 35 / diploma students.

The registration of these students shall be according to a general comparison, the conditions of which are issued by the Higher Education Council, and they work for about (30) hours per week at a rate of (8) hours per day, distributed between theoretical lectures and laboratory sessions, in addition to the clinical training hours that are within the hospitals.

فكرة عامة :

المعهد التقاني الطبي هو معهد تقاني في الشمال السوري، يدرس فيه طلاب الثانوية العامة والمنقطعون عن دراستهم بسبب الأوضاع الراهنة، فيه أربعة أقسام: تخدير، وتمريض، ومخابر، وقبالة.

بالنسبة لأقسام ((التخدير والتمريض والمخابر)) مدة الدراسة فيها سنتان، تتوزع على أربعة فصول، وبالنسبة لقسم القبالة للإناث فقط ودة الدراسة فيه ثلاث سنوات. كما تم افتتاح شعبة للدراسات تتضمن الاختصاصين (دبلوم عناية أطفال واختصاص دبلوم عناية مركزة للبالغين)، ويقدر عدد طلابه في الشعب الأربعة /300/ طالب وطالبة من مناطق مختلفة (الشمال السوري، والغوطة الشرقية، وحمص) وذلك بعد التهجير القسري. إضافة إلى /35/ طالب دبلوم.

يكون تسجيل هؤلاء الطلبة وفق مفاضلة عامة تصدر شروطها عن مجلس التعليم العالي، ويداومون قرابة (30) ساعة أسبوعياً بمعدل (8) ساعات يومياً تتوزع ما بين المحاضرات النظرية وجلسات المخابر بالإضافة إلى ساعات التدريب السريرية التي تكون ضمن المشافي.

The importance of this project comes from the medical reality in the north of Syria, where the urgent need for specialized and professional staff in different hospitals, especially in different hospitals, due to the insufficiency of specialized and professional staff, possessing scientific and practical experiences, to deal with the wounded and injured, in addition to emergency medical cases, Especially after the overcrowding in northern Syria after the forced displacement campaigns.

  1. The presence of doctors specializing in several medical fields, who are able to teach students and supervise the institute.
  2. The region’s lack of real, professionally trained cadres and its place being occupied with unqualified cadres.
  3. The region’s lack of real, professionally trained cadres and its place being occupied with unqualified cadres.
  4. Provide high school students with the opportunity to study in the medical field.
  5. Previously graduated cadres specialize in sensitive and essential majors.
  1. Graduating scientifically and technically trained medical cadres.
  2. Supplying public and field hospitals operating in northern Syria.
  3. Creating a scientific environment between hospital workers and those operating in northern Syria.
  4. These institutes accommodate high school students interested in this field, and students of medical institutes who have dropped out of their studies.
  5. Raising the scientific competence of hospital cadres through the specializations in the Studies and Diploma Division.

The institute is managed by the Institute’s Council, and it consists of: the Institute’s director, his deputy, heads of the four departments, in addition to the superintendent of the laboratory and the financial accountant, and administrative staff with experience and competence in the educational field, who handle student affairs, monitor attendance and examinations, and organize the institute’s office.

The theoretical teaching and practical supervision is provided by a group of specialist doctors, who often hold a master’s degree in various specialties, in addition to some technicians to prepare laboratories and follow-up clinical processes within hospitals and others.

System and curricula

The institute is managed according to the executive regulations of the University of Aleppo, which controls the various administrative, scientific and practical aspects. As for the curriculum, it is prepared according to the curricula of medical institutes approved in the Syrian and Arab universities. This is according to decisions, vocabulary and a plan prepared by the scientific committees at the university.